AI & Omni Channel Marketing Automation


UI/UX Consultant



Team Size



3 Months

An AI powered product to create real time marketing campaigns while dynamically creating segments. Providing solutions like query builder to create conditions to target audience and deliver different types of notifications/visualisations. Adding more interactive analytics to drill and create campaigns directly.

Gamooga was one of the top Marketing Automation companies in india with unicorn clients like Swiggy, Big Basket, RedBus, Nykaa and many more.It has later been acquired by a cloud communication company named Tanla.


Business Analysts

As the word says, Automating the marketing campaigns real time and based on historic data. For example, you have ordered biryani while watch an IPL match, you will receive offer while the next IPL match is happening. You are the potential customer for food delivery services while an IPL match is happening. While this example triggers a campaign with offers based in historic data... Gamooga also lets you create offers real time based on the actions you are taking on a website right now. Imagine the advantages this product will have if paired with AI?

Query & Campaign Builder

To create a target segment, who fall under the conditions required for a marketing team (like the IPL example given before) a suitable query builder has to be designed. Similarly a campaign builder has to be designed which can help the marketers to construct campaigns required.

Any builder that will be designed has to be as simple as possible, considering the user persona (Marketers). Basic terminology and all the conditions.


As important it is to plan the marketing campaigns, it is equally important to analyse the performance of the campaigns. Integrating AI & ML to predict how the analytics perform... how could it work?

Connect with the clients and understand what are they trying to analyse in the campaigns. The most important metrics are the Goal Conversions and Retention Rate.

  • Achieving product-market fit leading to 2X current revenue every month after installation
  • Gamooga acquired by Tanla solutions on a valuation of 48,50,00,000 INR (Equivalent to 6 Million USD)
  • Agreement with 3 new reputed brands, with 7 figure deals